GACKT Italia Staff Blog: June 29th

Happy Sunday LOVERS!

How are you all? GACKT Italia Staff had the first Italian LOVERS meeting! It was yesterday in Gardaland and we had so much fun, it was tiring, but it was worth it!
The wonderful time spent in Gardaland was the last of three funny and intense days in which staff and GACKT Italia's fans had fun and worked hard to create a particular birthday gift for will see it soon! We are grateful to all the people that supported us and had fun with us! But take a look at the last week now:

Takeshi Nakano shared a new photo with GACKT on Tuesday, check it:

Then we have the news of a new drama in which GACKT is going to star in:


Obviously, GACKT confirmed his role in his Official site and LINE, sharing some wonderful backstage's photos:


GACKT wrote on Facebook two times, the first one he talked about his special Birthday event, the second one to anticipate something about Moon Saga ch.2, saying he will reveal something this week. Are you curious?



Then, as usual, GACKT Italia translated the blog and the Blomaga



That's all, we wish you a wonderful week with GACKT and GACKT Italia! Kisu!


GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog: June 22ndu

Hello LOVERS and Happy Sunday!

How is your weekend going? This week has been pretty frantic but not as much as the one who's about to begin!! Are you ready for the first LOVERS meeting in Italy? Just a few days left!!

Let's start now with the news regarding our beloved GACKT!
This week, GACKT has released his blogs and GACKT Italia has translated them immediately:


As you may know, August is getting closer and this year too, GACKT will enjoy the Jouetsu festival and he will be wearig the Uesugi Kenshin armor again. Apparently, from recently publications it seems that that Uesugi Kenshin was a woman. Surprising right?? Read the translation of this article:

This week has also being signed by an awful event; unfortunately more insulse and stupid gossip came out about GACKT and this time they attacked YOU too. GACKT Italia, all our staff and members are opposing to this infamous gossips and we are supporting GACKT and his loved ones and always will.
YOU has published an official statement denying all those gossips and we have translated it:

GACKT has also been very active on socials, as always, releasing an Official mail news and a facebook message:

These are all the most important news of this week. However this week was also full of anniversaries.


17th June 2009 - 17th June 2014 - 5 years since the release of Faraway


19th June 2002 - 19th June 2014: 12 years since the release of Moon


20th June 2007 - 20th June 2014 - 7 years since the release of Returner

And with this lil memories we want to wish you a wonderful weekend and week!!
Stay tuned with us to follo LIVE the LOVERS meeting on our social pages, you can find us on Facebook, twitter and also Instagram!

Have a wonderful day!

GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog: June 15th 2014

Happy Sunday LOVERS! How are you all? Here's the appointment with all the GACKT's news of last week! Are you ready? Let's start with the wonderful photos of a journey in Okinawa with friends:

6/9/2014-GACKT in Okinawa


Let's go on with Facebook. He didn't write so much on Facebook last week, but he gave very important informations about Moon Saga and a lottery to win tickets for the shows. Check it out:


On July the 4th,  to celebrate GACKT's Bday and the 15th Anniversary of his solo carreer, Wowow will broadcast a marathon about GACKT 7 hours long! Obviously it will be visible in Japan, but those who can watch it, here's the news:

WOWOW ‘GACKT Birthday Special’ Broadcast!

Schermata 2014-06-11 alle 11.04.53

On june the 12th he attended Hamachanga!, you can find the video below! It's a very funny TV show and GACKT is very happy to eat icecreams, watch it:

GACKT at Hamachanga! June 12th


GACKT accepted to play the role of Uesugi Kenshin during the Jouetsu's Kenshin Festival this year too! Here you can find two articles about this wonderful news!

In the August Kenshin Festival, GACKT officially announces his participation, the 2nd year in a row and the 6th appearance so far.


In his 2nd consecutive year, GACKT reprises his role as Uesugi Kenshin in the Niigata festival.


Talking about us, we remind you that on June the 28th there will be the First LOVERS meeting here in Italy, so what are you waiting for? Come and have fun with us and enjoy a wonderful day with GAcKT ITALIA in Gardaland, watch the promo video here:

GACKT ITALIA and the first LOVERS National meeting

and obviously the Birthday Project. Today is the last day to submit your messages or fanarts to wish GACKT a very Happy Birthday! All the messages and fanarts will be published on our fanzine that will be realized on July the 4th, so what are you waiting for?

GACKT ITALIA 2014 Birthday Project PROMO VIDEO

That's all for today, see you next week, stay tuned and you will always up to date live on all about our beloved GACKT! Have a wonderful week!

GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog: June 8th 2014

Good morning and happy Sunday LOVERS!!

Here we are again with the staff blog, as usual in every weekend. How are you all?
There are a lot of news regarding GACKT and GACKT Italia this week. Let's start right away with home news, meaning the ones regarding our LOVERS community.

If you have payed attention in the past days, you may have noticed there's a big surprise from our admins!
That's right, a big surprise that you'll have every moth, I'm talking about GACKT ITALIA Vlog, where we are going to share with you the most important news and events, giving you a special point of view!
You haven't seen it yet?
That0s too bad!!! But don't worry, you can find it here below! We are curious to know what you think about it!

We also wanted to remind you that you have a few days left to join our BIRTHDAY PROJECT!!
GACKT's birthday is getting closer and we are planning a wonderful gift that will be sent to GACKT HIMSELF!!
What are you waiting for??? Deadline to send your entries is on June 15th!
Read all the details in the link below!

But now let's move to the news regarding our beloved GACKT.

This week has been pretty intense for our beloved artist.
GACKT has been active on his social pages as usual, starting from FACEBOOK.
Here below you can find the links to the translated messages:

Furthermore, this year GACKT is going to be 41 and it's also the year of his 15th solo career anniversary!
For this occasion, GACKT and his staff are organizing a special event.


Aren't you curious to know what GACKT has in store for all his LOVERS?
Luckily, GACKT Italia translated the news of the official event.

On June the 5th, GACKT attended DOWNTOWN DX as a guest!
Here you can find the link to the video of the TV show:

GACKT Staff is working really hard as always and, obviously, GACKT Italia is working for you too!
Here below you can find the translation of the LOVERS Staff Blog:

And finally here we are at the ending of this week.


Yesterday GACKT published his Blomaga and his official Blog, with a few days of delay.
Are you curious to know what he's thinking??

That's all for today!!
We are curious to know your comments and your thoughts!

Hugs everyone and have a ice week end!!


GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog: June 1st 2014

Happy Sunday LOVERS! How are you all doing?

Here we are with a new GACKT Italia Staff blog with all the news from this week. As you know, we talk about the news regarding GACK but also the ones that regard GACKT Italia and all our projects.

Today we start with these news, check out what we have planned for you!

GACKT Italia: Birthday Project Promo Video

Schermata 2014-05-28 alle 16.16.12

GACKT Italia is organizing the first LOVERS meeting in Italy

Schermata 2014-05-29 alle 11.30.11

You are going to participate, right? Do you like these projects? C'mon, let's make our voices be heard, let's make GACKT see how much Italy and Europe is waiting for him and we are always here for him, even if just from far away.

Now let's talk about the GACKT news, let's see what he did this week:

Four days after the deadline, he posted the Blomaga and his personal Blog and obviously GACKT Italia was the first one to translate them both in Italia and English:





...We know that there's a lot that we should say about this last photo, but let's move on and let's don't distract too much.
Let's talk about the translation of this week's interviews.

GACKT and the unexpected Moon Saga auditions


[Nikkansports] GACKT: I have no time to do drugs

GACKT has been really active on the social media this week, we can find three Facebook updates! Here's the Italian and English translation:

[FACEBOOK] May 29th

Facebook 29 Maggio 2014

[FACEBOOK] May 30th

Schermata 2014-05-30 alle 07.05.42

[FACEBOOK] May 30th


And here is the translation of the LOVERS staff blog of May 30th:

STAFF Blog May 30th

2014-Staff Blog-30Mag-01

Today GACKT woke us up with a wonderful surprise: a video were he explains all the rules and regulations to join the Yasoukai XIII in Bali, that this year will be titled ~Moon and Darkness~, enjoy the video and read the translation below:

GACKT Official Youtube: Yasoukai XIII ~Moon and Darkness~ promo video and translation


That's all for today. We'll see you again next week with our Staff Blog, but you can find us every day here on GACKT Italia, on the forum and all our social!
