It’s been awhile,
how’s everyone doing?

Let me advertise today.
So you know that last year, for the span of a year, I’ve been playing games on YouTube right.

Part 2 will start from today.
It’s called「Game Centre is Back!!!!」

We’ve started it off with requests from various parties.

Footage of me playing the games will be delivered daily for another year.

Amongst the games played,
we will be starting a program for the more interesting games called「Ura-Centre!」where the un-cut version of the videos will be shown.

With that,
from today onwards, do stay tuned for another year again.
【Nestle Presents GACKT’s Game!?「Game Centre is Back!」】
Broadcast date:For 1 year from 1 September (Only the first episode is delivered at 16:00)
Broadcast time:19:00
Broadcast platform:YouTube Nestle Japan Official Channel

Do check it out.


Source: GACKT Official LINE

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team