Kuroki Meisa (26) has taken on the challenge of her first science fiction drama. Kuroki will star in a drama series on NHK BS Premium that involves time travel called 「Time Spiral」(starts 2 September, Tuesday night at 11.15p.m.). It’s a story about a sad fate that extends beyond space and time. Acting as a physics researcher in a university, she will don a white coat. It is her first TV drama appearance since Asahi Terebi’s Jiu: Keishicho Tokushuhan Sosakei in 2011. GACKT co-stars with her as a time traveller.

Kuroki acts as the traumatised Aizawa Natsuki who was kidnapped at a young age. GACKT plays a newly appointed professor, who since his appearance, seemed to have caused many strange occurrences. It was then established that he is in fact a time traveller. As said by Kuroki,
“I have the difficult role someone who was kidnapped as a child and has a double life. I wonder if fate is something you can change. Or if its an impossibility to change something like that. When I was acting in this role, there were many instances of deja vu for me and I wondered if it’s by any chance me seeing myself in a different life”.

Although this is the first time she is acting with GACKT, they share the same hometown of Okinawa. She happily commented, “Past and present, it’s like a complex intertwining of events.”
The original work is a web novel by Mizumori Eren. Hiraoka Yuuta will act as Natsuki’s childhood friend who supports her since young.

Source: nikkansports.com