The idea of living again as a merchant has passed from a long time. I think it is able to see the change of that horrible time. It was usual to go to the department stores when I was a child!
After a while, the empire of department stores ” Mitsukoshi ” ended and were replaced by supermarkets ” Daiei “.It was the year 1972.
In the same year the Japanese economy became the most important.
However, even the chain “Daiei” was destined to disappear.
I read eagerly the book of the founder ” Isao Nagauchi ”, I believe it was only yesterday!
The supermarket Daiei was also for a time under the jurisdiction of the new recruits!
The reason of this incident→リクルート事件
There was also an accident during the period of the economic bubble that caused the killing for a bank employee→住友銀行名古屋支店長射殺事件
After that many employees have gathered and have made many parades.
Well, don’t say that I spoke about it(ahahah)But the staff at the supermarket, and the bank, said that nothing had happened.
I do not know how it managed to give precedence to the order after everything.
What have become the people ?? I havn’t the foggiest idea!Looking at this great company, would need help from above!
If the branches of supermarkets become somewhat private companies and if we do nothing, for sure we won’t survive this situation.
Therefore, if there isn’t even one person can do something, we will never change anything.
How to change the seasons change clothes to wear, so we have to change ourselves!
So! Let’s do something!
When you are defeat for you the battle is lost? ahahahah!Don’t make me laugh! They can also defeat us, but it will never be over!
The war ends only when we surrender!If we don’t do it, they won’t defeat us ever!
For this Bride jewelry has specialized in the wholesale!
Other has already been explained to people who have followed the program on the net CM
<Bijoude TVCM 全国ON AIR中>
After the earthquake came a fire. So, my dear young people, don’t hide your potential in unexpected moments!
Well, I’ll end up repeating myself but all people can’t always escape from reality!
Nor is it possible to know everything.
But our desire to know continues to surprises me.
With the men there are mountains, hills… To appreciate this, we wish with all our hearts to go there and feel at one with it.
<Bijoude TVCM撮影後のNMB48と記念撮影>
Together with GACKT of course!In the summer, they have allowed us to work on an interesting project!
This time the blog is based on things to have to say, there were many more, but we’ll talk about the next time!
These words are needed to join our forces
GACKTのブログマガジンOH MY GACKTで中野猛のコーナーを執筆中です!
Source: Takeshi Nakano Blog
Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team