Translations of GACKT’s twitter from December 31st 2016:

How’s everyone? It’s already the end of 2016. Well then… To close off 2016 with everyone, I’ll have a look at the tweets for awhile!!

Is there anything you want to do next year?
.@___iR10 Well the world tour is starting next year. I think I’m going to be busy. Well, just the preparations alone will take up a lot of time though. I’m also working on an English album too.

GACKT-san, your 10-yen bald spot didn’t appear this year? Or were you alright? ( ˘ω˘ )
.@__yukitaroooo Actually… I thought I could do it without stress this year. Then, after filming for the program, I thought to myself, I’m glad I could do it without going bald. But, when I went to the salon, they said「Big bro, it appeared again!」. This time it’s at the back of my head. Even I, GACKT, still need more training.

RT @G_A7483: @GACKT I want to play othello with GACKT-sama!
Why othello? Let’s play poker!

@GACKT Please give me abs!
.@hatimitu160kg Abs are something you cultivate on your own. It’s not something given to you by another! Put in KiAi!

@GACKT Hey〜 If it’s for Gakkun I’ll shave~
.@aiai20xx0407 It shouldn’t be for me, shave for all the men! Both men and women don’t need hair down there!

Please give me magnum!!
Even if it’s just half, please give it to me!!
.@gackt07040 No way〜〜 If it’s half it wouldn’t be usable right? It’s only meaningful if it’s used in full. Just like a Saiyan.
Everyone’s writing too fast!

Well then, anyway, everyone try and shout together… My PC is already so slow it looks like it’s going to stop. Shout 「GACKT!!!」 for me.

@GACKT I’m spending New Year’s Day alone.
It’ll make me happy if you’ll say something to me heading into the new year!
.@yacchan37 Find a good partner. And also, KiAi. If you coop yourself up at home you won’t be able to have any good encounters right? Firstly, go outside. Go out, meet all kinds of people and if there’s someone who pulls at your heart even a little, call out to them first. Say 「Will you begin 2017 with me?」.

@GACKT Even if it’s only once, I want to connect with youーーー
.@GCyat We’ve already been connected since a long time ago. Don’t worry.

How are you replying the tweets now?
.@gemini_GACKT Now? I’m spending time overseas but… For some reason my older sister is spending New Year’s eve watching Final Destination. That movie’s too scary…

GACKT-sama has descended on Twitter while I’m at my part-time job but…
@GACKT 5s5 seconds agoTranslate from Japanese
.@kamui0704 It’s alright. I’m looking closely at the messages. Focus on your job!

@GACKT Thank you for the last “beautiful body” of the year (*≧∀≦*) Super happy
.@wlovepeace1124 Is this the time for you to be happy! You should be properly training your body and spirit too! Because the ability to change your life is based on you putting in all your effort.

@GACKT I got Gakucchi
.@XXX_XIII_MM Is there one that big?? I’ve not seen it before though… That said, this… How did you get it out of the machine?

@GACKT How the hell do I build muscles!
Hey, that’s pretty rude when you’re asking someone a question.『As long as you’ve got KiAi, it’ll build on its own!!』Got it!?

I’m attempting the college entrance exam.
I’ve got no confidence, so please give me some encouragement!
.@kame_ren What’s confidence? Is that all your effort is worth? Try giving your all. Try focusing with the thought that you can’t lose to anyone. After doing it with the feeling that you can’t do any more than this, before you realise it, you would’ve already gotten your confidence and whatnot. That’s how it is.

Please give me that beautiful face ( ˘–˘ )
Although I’m a woman (′・ω・`)
.@dog_renchan Hey, if you got a face like this, everyone would be so scared that they wouldn’t come close to you. Because the look in my eye is too scary…

@GACKT I’m going to be hairless soon ♡
.@hqnqmam That’s good!! Well, it’s the basic.

@GACKT I’ve learnt a lot from your kicks on Insta! Osu!
@GACKT 14m14 minutes ago
.@RKM_0704 Grasp them well and use it. And become able to always protect your precious person

@GACKT Is Gaku-chin hairless down there too?
.@__nachan__diet Silly question. Hairless since a long time ago. I’m far too silky smooth. I’m done with hair removal

@GACKT After letting go of your gold Aventador, what kind of car are you driving? Did you buy a new one?
Hm, are you asking about Japan? In Japan I’m driving the new JAGUAR XJR. I can’t go fast in Japan so it’s more comfortable to drive this one. Overseas I have a Bentley, Lambo, Chevrolet, well, stuff like that.

@GACKT I want to surpass GACKT-san!
I’m nothing great. You can surpass me anytime. Put KiAi into everything you’re working on. Then you can also support this decaying country properly.

@GACKT If I’m hairless… I’ll catch a cold
You’ll catch a cold if you’re hairless!?! In all these 17 years, I’ve never heard of anyone catching a cold because of being hairless!!

Eh, GACKT replies tweets!???
If not for me, who else will reply with such high quality dirty jokes?

Gakkun!!! Did you laugh a lot this year too?
I laughed. I laughed lots. Also, I’ve been made to feel blessed quite a lot. Next, its your turn to be happy. Laugh lots.

GACKT please reply
I’ve studying Chinese!
How did GACKT-san remember it?
First, I read a book and gave my all trying to remember the vocabulary. Next I went to a Chinese eatery and memorised the pronunciation for the entire menu. Then, I got close to the owner of the Chinese eatery, and had them teach me Chinese. Then I spoke with the staff. Something like that.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Please congratulate me
@1Mat_01 Oh my. Your birthday’s actually tomorrow… There’s a good reason for congratulations!! Happy birthday! That must be the best way to start 2017.

@GACKT Char Aznable can move his Zaku at 3 times the normal speed but, how many times can GACKT-san move?
Mm… Depending on what I’m doing, I can move fast too. Incidentally, my band member SQTO can move 3 times faster than the normal human, I heard. I guess he’s the one they call “The Red Comet” SATO…

@GACKT What would you say of the present Japan?
It doesn’t have enough KiAi, does it. The country’s dying.

@GACKT You’re not changing your icon?
Yes yes, I’ll change it when this ends!

@GACKT I thought of using DAILY BABY when the time is right but, I don’t know when that is( ̄▽ ̄;)@GACKT
Hey, if you’re not going to use it now then when!! Hurry up and use it!

What am I going to do, if GACKT being silky smooth tops Yahoo News tomorrow!!!
It’s fine! Because that’s the truth. Or rather, there are too many people who aren’t silky smooth!

@GACKT I’m hairless, ^_^
when I go out, I go without underwear ^_^
Mmmm… So there’s someone who’s more adept than me… As expected. I concede… My apologies… bow…

@GACKT If you hit on a shop staff, where do you go?!
Just head to the kitchen. It’s a fight from there!

@GACKT Do you have any interest in motorcycles and such?
I used to ride those. I took on the mountains and got into a huge accident. Then, I retired. I lived well. Because of that accident. You guys should be careful of accidents too. If you die, that’s the end.

When you can’t decide to give up or not,
what do you do
You can give up whenever you want. But while you’re struggling, and you meet with an even more uncool version of yourself, that’s the first time you’ll grow as a person.If you give up because of that it’s alright too right? Got it?

It’s probably about time to end.

@GACKT Please give me one word for next year.
If I can describe my life in one word, doesn’t that mean I’ve led a boring life. Give me at least 30 words.

I want you to upload a photo!
No no, just look at my Instagram! Haven’t I uploaded enough? Don’t ask me to take any more photos than that. I’m no photographer. If I click the shutter of my heart too much, sooner or later, I’ll pretty much be a war photographer.

@GACKT !!!!!Please come to my graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please!!!!!
I’ll be going to a high school somewhere this year too. While I still have some influence. If it’s decide that I’ve got no more influence, I’ll retire immediately

Well then, it’s time to go. If you felt like 2016 wasn’t a big year, then it’s because you haven’t taken enough action. With your actions and effort, try making 2017 the best ever. Everything is up to you. Do your best. I’ll do my best too. Well then, make the flowers around you bloom with your best smile. See ya.

Source: @GACKT

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA