Mia Official X update. New photos with GACKT, translation below

I went to see GACKT’s LAST SONGS 2024 feat. K Osaka performance!

I worked with him for two days after joining, and he taught me the training methods and form.

The energy of the hyung on stage was amazing, and no matter how far you were watching it, it felt like you were singing right up close.
The songs, the movements, everything was so cool, it was filled with the admiration of Han…
They also took me out to eat some delicious meat…a treat! !
When I returned to Tokyo, I immediately reviewed the menu that my brother had taught me.

Let’s do our best with love.

*My brother dropped the Hell Ball!
It’s so hard that my face turns red in an instant
I’m really excited..

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA