GACKT Official Instagram update. Transcript below.

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Build fast muscles! – Part 4

(Secretary Matsuoka)

G: Tough, isn’t it?

O: Tough…

G: It’s tough but… it’s extremely effective for the abs
G: You’ll get instantaneous power, and your waist will become slimmer too
G: And this line will show up beautifully

G: The Ero-line

O: Ero-line

G: The Ero-line will show up beautifully

G: The image you should have is of two people holding onto your legs
G: Then pull in and kick them off. Kick. Stretch out.

G: Let’s go
O: Yes

G: 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… 10…

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team

Transcript © GACKT ITALIA