GACKT Official Instagram update. Transcript below.

How to build sexy abs
Detailed version – Part 8
[Ab workout to train lower abs]

For those who want to train their abs more, if you train your lower abdomen

The muscles, the lines here will appear

To train these lower abs, you’ll do an ab workout where you lift your legs

Starting with lying flat on the ground, you’ll raise both your upper and lower body

Tense up your inner thighs, don’t raise your legs too high

Lift your legs, pull them up to make sure your knees reach higher instead of your waist

From there, in one go, as if you’re stepping on something with your heel, keep your inner thighs tense as you stretch your legs out

Curl up then stretch out, like this

As fast as possible

Do this 10 times

Detailed version
To be continued in part 9…

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team

Transcript © GACKT ITALIA