【November 20th (Mon) 22:30〜Live broadcast decided】YOSHIKI BIRTHDAY SP 2017 & Legendary talk Vol16 GACKT last minute appearance

YOSHIKI-san has just completed a hectic month, with the promotional tour, “EUROPE THEATRICAL PREMIERE”, for the largest release ever of WE ARE X in 11 European cities, and after coming back to Japan, he had activities ranging from a YOSHIKIMONO EXHIBITION to a performance with Wagakki Band.

A blitz decision has been made to hold a BIRTHDAY SPECIAL on the coming November 20th for YOSHIKI’s return to Japan and his Xth brithday. The special guest for this special, memorable day is GACKT-san, who suddenly joined in on the 2nd anniversary SP in Spetember.

What happens on this special night?
Don’t miss it!

We are gathering the following messages from members
【Birthday message to YOSHIKI-san】
【Questions you want to ask and the theme you would like to talk to YOSHIKI-san and GACKT-san】!
Will your special message be introduced in the program?

★★★How to send the birthday’s messages for YOSHIKI-san ★★★
We will accept messages sent by

【Entry by email】
Please send your message to the YOSHIKI CHANNEL executive office​
especially​ <Photo><Image><Video><Audio message> are warm welcomed!
Please send them as attachment.
※If the attached file is too big to be sent, please use the online storage services,etc…

【Entry by Twitter】
Please ad the #YOSHIKICHANNEL hashtag and tweet the message.
<Photo><Image><Video><Audio message> are warm welcomed!
Please send them as attached to the tweet。

※The content of the message you sent may be introduced along with your name in the program
※ Entry by E-mail: if you want to be intorduced with your nickname, please write it in the text
※ Entry by Twitter: you will be introduced with your Twitter’s username

22:30〜22:40 Free Broadcast
22:40〜23:05 YOSHIKI CHANNEL members only
23:05〜23:30 OH!!MY!!GACKT!! member only
※This program can only be watched by members YOSHIKI CHANNEL members and OH!!MY!!GACKT!! members 。
To be able to watch the whole broadcast please join YOSHIKI CHANNEL and OH!!MY!!GACKT!!。

Source: live.nicovideo.jp

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA