Taka from TakaToshi lost 8kg in a month  Determination from being on the verge of diabetes

On the 22nd, Taka (41) from Taka & Toshi revealed that he had lost 8kg in a month from prediabetes.


Taka and his partner, Toshi (40), had attended the launch declaration of 「Fight League」, Mixi’s new smartphone game application, which was held in Tokyo on that day. Before their battle against GACKT (43), he boasted 「In this one month, from May 24, I successfully lost 8kg. I did well」.

However, it appears that the reality of it is serious. At the informal press conference after the event, Taka said 「It’s not part of the (plan for the) program, for myself… I went for my annual medical checkup and my blood test results showed that I had prediabetes. When I looked at the faces of my child(ren), I thought that I want to stay alive until they grow up. It was lip service for the game but (with weight loss) my condition in the morning was good too」. To this, there was an unexpected interjection from Toshi, who said 「That’s dark!!」.

In the examination, there are levels ranging from A to E, 「E would be the level when you have to immediately get admitted into hospital. Mine was around C. When I went for a reexamination, I was alright but the doctor said that it would be better if I lost weight」he said, expressing that he was almost going to be hospitalised.

Although he was planning to go on a diet plan from a TV program, he said 「In the end, it seemed popular and I was told 『Please wait』… If that’s what I did, I’ll probably end up with diabetes」, abandoning the idea. He imposed a diet which excludes carbohydrates and fats on himself, emphasizing 「I did it on my own. I want to be a healthy plump character」.

Toshi too, spoke of his partner’s efforts 「This guy is a fatty who doesn’t eat sweet things. He likes fried foods and fatty foods but… indeed he doesn’t eat them. Today as well, manager asked 『Shall I buy a salad?』, and he didn’t eat anything aside from Soba, he’s really doing it」.

Source: nikkansports.com

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA