The rebroadcast of「Geinoujin Kakuzuke CHECK! This is the real first-class product! 2015&2016 New Year’s Day Special」has been decided!!

The rerun of「Geinoujin Kakuzuke CHECK! This is the real first-class product! 2015 New Year’s Day Special」and 「Geinoujin Kakuzuke CHECK! This is the real first-class product! 2016 New Year’s Day Special」 have been decided.
※ The broadcast will be broadcasted in different days in the Kansai district and the Kanto district

「Geinoujin Kakuzuke CHECK! This is the real first-class product! 2015 New Year’s Day Special」
Date/time of the Broadcast:December 24th(Sat)14:10~17:25(Only in the Kansai district)

「Geinoujin Kakuzuke CHECK! This is the real first-class product! 2016 New Year’s Day Special」
Date/time of the Broadcast:December 31st(Sat)08:00~11:45(Kanto District)Qualification & finals
January 2nd 2017(Mon)08:40~11:45(Kansai district)only the finals


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA