Hi LOVERS FAMILY! How are you all? We just came back from Rome…it was an amazing and exciting week end, we wanna tell everyone THANK YOU for all the support we received, all the things happened that filled our hearts with happiness and joy…a lot of satisfaction. I’m proud to be a LOVER, I’m proud of GACKT ITALIA, I’m proud to support GACKT, I can say this with all my heart. Thank you, LOVERS but first of all thank you, GACKT for everything you do for us. Thank you, seriously. Ok ok, let’s start with the weekly recap! GACKT x Nestle Game Center videos:


All the Official News translations:

Take a look at how many amazing photos he posted on Instagram:

Hiromi Takahara’s Instagram updated and a video about the GACKTxRoen project:



That’s another HALLOWEEN PARTY report’s extract:


That’s all for today, see you next Sunday, WE WISH YOU A WONDERFUL WEEK WITH GACKT AND GACKT ITALIA! Stay tuned, Kisu~