Hi LOVERS family! How are you all?? Ooooook here we are with the weekly recap, GACKT ITALIA Staff Blog. A lot of wonderful news this week…are you ready? ENJOY~

Let’s start with the GACKT x Nestle video serie:

GACKT X Nestle Game Center #286

the ones we subbed for you all:

GACKT X Nestle #206 - Ao Oni - January 22th - sub eng GACKT X Nestle #206 - Ao Oni - 22 Gennaio - sub ita

Official news translations:


aaaaaand…a very interesting Facebook update:

GACKT changed his Facebook layout too!

10423695_906310376096741_4317680193364121641_n-1 11038735_906310422763403_206784178702258852_n

There’s a news about GACKTapp P.S. I LOVE U:

GACKT  logged in Twitter and had a very long talk with all his LOVERS…showing us all a very cute news, read the article and his tweets translations:



Blog and Blomaga’s translations, GACKT in Italy!



That’s all for today! See you next Sunday…have a wonderful week with GACKT and GACKT ITALIA! Stay tuned, Kisu~