Confirmation of Holiday Plans In Conjunction with MatomenaSai!!
It’s an announceme~nt of our plans.
We’ve begun accepting applications for the Gakuen Fest Tickets but fellow students, which campus are you visiting?
Have you decided?
Starting with Kaichou, then the seniors, we’re planning~
We await all your applications.
This year, in conjunction with Gakuen Fest
there are plans for accomodations, a School Bus and a School Train!!
◆11/29(Sat) Nagoya Branch School Visitation School Bus ((To & from Tokyo)
◆12/23(Tue・Hol) Osaka Branch School Visitation School Train (To & from Tokyo)
◆12/24(Wed) Osaka Branch School Visitation School Bus (To & from Tokyo)
◆12/26(Fri・Hol)&12/24(Wed) Osaka Branch School Visitation School Train & School Bus (To & from Tokyo)
◆12/28(Sun) Fukuoka Branch School Visitation School Train (To & from Tokyo)
◆12/28(Sun) Fukuoka Branch School Visitation School Bus (To & from Osaka)
Details are here
*The holiday plans do not include the concert tickets. Please apply for them separately.
*School Trains are not chartered services at present.
Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team