GACKT X Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra 2nd [An Evening of Classical Splendour] 2nd Round from October the 17!
Last year end, the moving and wondrous collaboration between GACKT and the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra which took place will become reality once again!
Like last year, GACKT will select anew songs from his discography, and in the program, the Orchestra will play the songs first, with GACKT joining in to sing them with the Orchestra playing.
Please enjoy GACKT’s brilliant, one-day-only, luxurious dream space.

Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall

26 December 2014 (Friday)
[Noon] Doors open at 13:30 Performance starts at 14:00
[Night] Doors open at 18:30 Performance starts at 19:00

All seats reservable – Tax included 25,000 yen (includes souvenirs)
*Preschoolers will not be allowed admission.
*For guests in wheelchairs, for your purchase, please contact the company Ubon.

【Important notes】
※ When registering through Computer or phone, E-Plus registration is also necessary
People already registered on E-plus have to confirm it at the moment of the application
※ Other than the ticket price there’s a fixed commission to pay. verify details at the time of the application
※ Check full details on e-Plus acceptance page
※ There’s the possibility that media photographers enters the venue. Take notice of this beforehand.
※ There will be no changing room
Also, refrain from changing clothes in the meeting place in order not to cause problems to other guests
※ At the meeting place there is a cloakroom (free)

【2nd round – Priority to Web or telephone application, period of time】
Target of the application are people who appied for G&LOVERS membership by 2014.9.15

Acceptance period: From 2014.10.12 (Fraday) 12:00 to 2014.10.22 (Wednesday) 18:00
Results annoucement: From 2014.10.30 (Thursday) 13:00 to 2014.11.4 (Tuesday) 18:00
Payment period: From 2014.10.30 (Thursday) 13:00 to 2014.10.4 (Tuesday) 21:00

Application Method
GACKT’s funclub members can apply to the second stage through this website:
Please checkt this site (PC- Smartphone)
GACKT’s fanclub members can apply to the second stage through this telephon number: 0570-06-9908
(24h/ authomatic voice)

【3nd round – Priority given to Web or telephone application, period of time】
Target of the application are people who appied for G&LOVERS membership by 2014.9.15
※3 Round – application payment only by credit card

Acceptance period: From 2014.11.7 (Fraday) 12:00 to 2014.11.12 (Wednesday) 18:00
Results annoucement: From 2014.11.20 (Thursday) 13:00 to 2014.11.25 (Tuesday) 18:00
*From the moment the results are announced, immedialety procede with the payment

Application Method
WEB Site – Application form, will be notified later

[Acceptance – Through E-plus : E-Plus custumer centre]
0570-06-9919 (From 10:00 to 18:00 Saturday and holidays included)
[On the performance day:Public corp.]
03-6388-0083 (Ordinary day only 11:00 to 18:00)
[Through fanclub: GACKT official fanclub G&LOVERS]
03-5428-8740 (Ordinary day only 12:00 to 17:00)


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team