GACKT official instagram update


@gold.d.ace.newgate What should I do to build muscles? Even after doing ab exercises 500 times its not defined! Why! Why is it so defined for GACKT-san! Isn’t it unfair! 🔙 @GACKT Your abs won’t get defined just from the number of times you do it. First, go in a restricted diet, and drop the fats around your stomach. After that, do effective ab training. Try continuing this daily and build on the ab muscles.

@gackt_yu_178 @gackt In GACKT-san’s training routine, is running included? 🔙 @GACKT For reducing stomach fat, I wouldn’t run. The reason you do cardio is to build up stamina and endurance though. Even if I do it, it’s once or twice a week.

@h_721_g My pelvis is wide so, what should I do ( ´•_•` ) 🔙 @GACKT Isn’t it fine. Have more confidence.

@meguyomo Thank you for supporting the Taekwondo All Japan Championships. I wanna see GACKT-san’s Taekwondo teul. Please. 🔙 @GACKT Mine? Well, I’ll upload it next time then.

5.GACKT @tohga_s
 Thank you for the hard work! After training how should I do icing? Is a simple spray enough? 🔙 @GACKT The fastest way is to go for a cold shower. An evne better option is to fill up the bathtub and submerge yourself in it.

6.GACKT @tata_sita
 Amazing!! Can women do this training too? 🔙 @GACKT Of course!

7.GACKT @rayla_moon
 Gakuto-sa~n!! Ever since I did the training you taught my weight has been dropping day after day, and I’m worried (x _ x) What should I do to continue on yet maintain my weight?? 🔙 @GACKT Instead of body weight, it would be better if you have a graph of your daily body-fat ratio. Your body weight will easily fluctuate from changes in muscle mass. Don’t worry about it.

8.GACKT @rxhimu
 I wonder when will you show us how to build back muscles... 🔙 @GACKT Don’t be in such a hurry. Its not good to be hasty.

9.GACKT @zukyao
 Roughly how strong is Gakuto-san’s grip strength? 😳 🔙 @GACKT Around 80. It’s normal.

10.GACKT @mioooshimizu
 Good morning GACKT-san! This time I’m thinking of trying martial arts but, since I’ve never done it before I’m not sure what’s good… I want to become strong and get a beautiful body at the same time! Will Taekwondo be your recommendation? 🔙 @GACKT It depends on what your goal is for doing it. There are lots of other martial arts which are good too. Taekwon do is good for getting beautiful legs.

11.GACKT Well then, I’m off to rehearsa~ls! See ya.

Source: GACKT Official Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA


GACKT official instagram update

How are you doing, bros n sisters? Do you have a good work out? Well, this is a balance sit-up. You can do this easily. But you have to do something for your back too. You shouldn't only do this because you will lose the balance of your abs and back easily. Got it? Ok. Just do it. 40 times for 1 set. 4 sets a day. 元気か? さて、リハーサルも始まったが、こういうことをしっかりやっとけば、腹筋も綺麗になる。時間ないなんて言わせない。ただし、これだけじゃダメだ。腹筋だけだと背筋のバランスを崩してしまって、逆に体に良くない。必ず腹筋をするときは、背筋もやれ。1セット40回、1日4セット。できるだろ?じゃ、やってみな。女の子でもできるやつだ。 @gackt #gacktworkout #dailyworkout #日トレ #腹筋 #absworkout

Un video pubblicato da GACKT (@gackt) in data:


1.GACKT @nacco0723 
This sit-up, my waist will hurt (´・_・`) 🔙@GACKT That means that the balance between your ab muscles and back muscles is bad. It’s better if you increase your back muscles.

2.GACKT @glovexoxo
 Is it better to do it at this speed? 🔙 @GACKT Instead of speed, do it while focusing on the power output. This momentary load is effective for the ab muscles. Also, you get muscles that you can use.

3.GACKT @orb590
 Is GACKT-san of the slim-macho (lean stature) faction? Or of the gorilla-macho (buff stature) faction? 🔙@GACKT I’m part of the usable-macho faction.

4.GACKT @yfczsyh
 I jog and do muscle training but, my weight doesn’t really drop 🔙@GACKT You don’t have to do endurance training together with muscle training. You have to divide them by days. Because otherwise the effectiveness will be bad.

5.GACKT @loversghy
 How should I train and what is most effective to get a slim hourglass waist?? 🔙@GACKT For that, the most effective way is to do kicks. The effect shows quickly, and your hip joint becomes more flexible too.

6.GACKT @mityan.sato
 Does GACKT-san dislike muscular girls? (´;ω;`) 🔙@GACKT I don’t think girls have a need to be muscular but, to get the basic of various balances in your body, is the least that you should do as a person. If you want to like beautifully and healthily

7.GACKT @ziyuunomegamik
 I’ve done this before! It’s pretty tough. 🔙 @GACKT Its not important whether or not you’ve done it before. What’s important, is that you’re doing it.

8.GACKT @aoi1212onepece
 Please show us for back muscles too~ 🔙 @GACKT Next time, I’ll upload one for the back muscles too.

9.GACKT @mio20001221
 Like this I’ll fall backwards but, is something I’m doing wrong? 🔙@GACKT I’ve said it a few days back but, when you exert force, it is important to be aware of where you’re exerting your force from. The fact that you’re falling backwards, is proof that you’re not using your abs to raise your body. And, because you’re not aware enough, the balance is off. Try doing it with awareness.

10.GACKT @yumimineno
 Even now, do you train in a room where the temperature is above 30 degrees?💦 🔙 @GACKT The reason why I raise the room temperature is so that I don’t sweat on stage. I don’t sweat on stage only because, even at normal times I train in relatively warm conditions.

11.GACKT @glovexoxo
GACKT-sa~n! Please do come onto Twitter sometime! Lol 🔙@GACKT Once the tour starts, I’ll have free time so, I’ll go on Twitter too. Is that alright?

12.GACKT @camui.r
 GACKT-san, right now, what’s your weight? Around 67 to 69. Fat percentage is around 7 to 9%.

13.GACKT @g.a.c.k.t
 I’ve got a nose bleed though... 🔙@GACKT Blow your nose...

14.GACKT @mikimikijp74 
Misato… Like before, please don’t push too hard...(´口`) 🔙 @GACKT I’m hoping for that too but, this is the only thing I can’t confirm. Sorry.

15.GACKT @pg_speed_11
 My nose is leaking though… 🔙 @GACKT Thats why I said blow your nose...

16.GACKT @nmrhaaaaa
 What’s the optimum body-fat ratio for a woman? Is it around 17 to 20%? There are people who say that if its reduced further periods will stop but, that’s not because of the building of muscle, but it is because basically the way the bodies work is different, and it stops because the body condition is broken. The root cause is wrong.

17.GACKT Alright, I’m going off then. Have a good night.

Source: GACKT Official Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA


GACKT official instagram update

What's up bros n sisters? I went to watch a Japan TKD competition today. They are really slim because they use a lot of twisting when they kick. This is a jumping side kick. We call it TYC kick. This needs to keep balance and same rhythm. You want to get beautiful hips, legs and butt? Try this. You can get it. 4 sets a day. 80 times for 1 set. Just do it. 元気か? 今日は日本テコンドーの大会に行ってきた。みんなとにかく体が締まってて綺麗だ。それは、テコンドーの蹴りは腰をひねり、足とお尻の筋肉を上手に使う。細くて締りのある足、ウエスト、上がったお尻が欲しければ、これだな。1日4セット。1セット80回だ。オトコにもオンナにも効く。じゃやってみな。いい夜を。 @gackt #日トレ #dailyworkout #gacktworkout #sidekick #practicekicks #基礎蹴り

Un video pubblicato da GACKT (@gackt) in data:


My bad, I had rehearsals.

I’ll reply to a few questions.

3. GACKT @_mmmxg How was the Taekwondo competition? 🔙@GACKT Well~, I was moved by the team competitions at the end. It was a clash of prides and, at the end I shouted a few times. It was great.

 Cool!! Whlie doing this, where should I focus attention on? 🔙@GACKT For this, the important point is to not change your posture. At first its alright even if you dont raise your leg. Pay attention to your rhythm, and pay attention to the rise and fall of your knee. In this video, there are a few who are doing it wrongly. Those who only move from below their knees are doing it wrongly. Your heel is supposed to float. Step on your heel. On your heel.

5. GACKT @daia_s4
 Thank you for your hard work *\(^o^)/* Is it 80 times altogether for both left and right sides? Or is it 80 times per set for each side... 🔙@GACKT Think of it at 80 times per set. But if it’s difficult, you can hold on to a wall or something too. In any case, try focusing on not letting your upper body fall.

6. GACKT @fuuka0704
 This kick is fine but why doesn’t your upper body move? 🔙@GACKT I can make it look like my upper body isn’t moving because I’m aware of the sensation of the exertion of strength from my core, the point centre of my strength in my waist, until the end of my body. As the awareness is important, when the awareness of strength reaches the end, the weight will occur there. In other words, its a feeling akin to swinging a bucket of water, and getting that pull. For that, you become aware of where the centre of your body is, and even while swinging the bucket, it will swing around the centre of your body right?

7. GACKT @ayuglovers
 It’s better to do both left and right sides right 😊 ?? I want to kick as beautifully as GACKT-san ❗️… I want GACKT-san to kick me ❤️ 🔙 @GACKT Of course, you do it by alternating left and right sides. That’s why each side will have 2 sets each. Got it?

8. GACKT @azukin7
 Is it like the feeling of a foot knife?! Hop hop bouncing… In the past when I studied Shaolin Kungfu there were similar kicks. Taekwondo is different?! Ah, come to think of it my 7 year old son is learning Taekwondo… my 3 year old second-son admires GACKT-san too w 🔙 @GACKT That’s right, that’s right. For Shaolin its the front of your foot, for Taekwondo its your heel. Well, there are a few points, the toes of the kicking foot cannot be lower than the heel. If you focus on your toes you can’t manage this so, its probably easier to understand the sensation of stepping on your heel. Enough about the height of the foot. When your leg is extended out you don’t stretch your toes out. Stick out your heel.

9. GACKT @sayulin704
 Is it true that you took the shortest time to get your belt? 🔙@GACKT I got black belts at about a hundred dojos. That’s become a record.
10. GACKT @bluelillith81
yes your right, tkd players have a great legs and hips. my son's legs are much better now that he does tkd than before and i think that his legs are much longer than before to!! and i dont know why but since then he only thinks that he have to protect me😻 well keep the good work! kisses 🔙@GACKTthat's really good to your sun. Congrats. Tell him to keep working out and to be a true man.

11. GACKT Well then, I’m off. Have a good night everyone.

Source: GACKT Official Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA


GACKT official instagram update


1.GACKT @welina_kana
Today’s music sounds kinda cute! Lolol 🔙@GACKT If it isn’t cute it’ll be too tough and that’ll be bad right?

2.GACKT @haaaru7374
You’re a complete athlete aren’t you~ 🔙@GACKT I’m not an athlete, I’m but a man.

3.GACKT @xinying612
That will need a lot of work in the abs and your arms 😱😱😱😱 do you feel sore in your abs after you do this exercise ? 🔙 @GACKT This is mainly working on arms. When you do this. You can feel that you don't use your abs.

4.GACKT @kusomayu

Those who like muscle training are M right? 🔙@GACKT In my opinion… Those who can train on their own, are do-S. The only person who can forgive or blame you is yourself. Because its impossible to tell someone you do it on your own. If the trainer said the same thing, I would be so pissed to the point of snapping. That’s what do-S is.

5.GACKT @yokko_yr

You have a pull-up machine fixed in your dressin room? (⊙ꇴ⊙)🔙@GACKT Its been there all the while. In here. At all times, its to be there for me to use before I change my clothes. Its the same as brushing teeth.

6.GACKT @tfujie

Its not a closet, but a gym instead 😄💕💕💕 🔙@GACKT This isn’t a closet but a dressing room. I don’t have a closet. What I have are clothes and a pull-up bar.

7.GACKT @gackt_yu_178
Why is it not necessary for girls to do it? 🔙@GACKT Do it if you want to. For this, even in my gym only 2 girls can do it.

8.GACKT @_shiori_vivi

Men train for the sake of protecting women but, what kind of reason should women train for?? 🔙@GACKT To become capable of supporting the men.

9.GACKT Alright, well then, I’m off. Have a good night.

Source: GACKT Official Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA