Mail Order Purchase for Metal Muscle HMB Supplements! Also a Favourite of GACKT’s!

GACKT’s favourite muscle supplements
『Metal Muscle HMB』

Metal Muscle HMB Supplement is a top class muscle supplement among those with HMB content.

Now we’re having a Regular Course deal (Metal Body Course) available for 300 customers every month^^

<Why the Regular Course is a good deal>

1st time at 500 yen (94% OFF)
2nd time onwards at 6,480 yen, instead of regular price 8,640 yen
Free shipping
30-day guarantee with full refund

↓For more details on the Regular Course, click here↓

Metal Muscle HMB Supplements recommended for these issues

Flabby muffin top stomach
Skinny and underweight body
Can’t get a well defined musculature
No money or time to go to the gym
Hardly continue with muscle training
Can’t feel any effect from protein
Want efficient buildup
Aiming for six-packs in the shortest possible time

If any one of the above pertain to you, we recommend you to give the Metal Muscle HMB Supplement a try ^^

↓↓First time at only 500 yen now↓↓


Features of Metal Muscle HMB Supplement

Here, we introduce the features of Metal Muscle HMB Supplement as supervised by a personal trainer.

Tablet type

As the Metal Muslce HMB Supplement comes in the form of 10mm diameter tablets, it’s easy to consume anytime and anywhere.

A peace of mind from it being manufactured in Japan

You will have a peace of mind as the Metal Muscle HMB Supplement is manufactured in a Japanese factory with strict quality control standards.

Low in calories
It is low in calories with the daily intake quantity of 6 tablets consisting of around a total of only 6kcal.

Ingredients of Metal Muscle HMB Supplement

Here, we will go through the ingredients that make up the Metal Muscle HMB Supplement.

Metal Muscle HMB Supplement is mainly made up of HMB, with 6 tablets containing around 1,600mg of it. This amount is also made up of the muscle supplement industry’s top-class HMB blend.

What is HMB (β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyric Acid)
Protein ingested from food and protein are digested in the body and decomposed into amino acids via peptides. Among the amino acids is “Leucine” which is an effective and essential amino acid for pumping up. Leucine is a substance that can not be synthesized in the body, and the leucine that can be metabolised becomes HMB.

Since HMB is able to support muscle synthesis and prevent muscle degradation, absorbing a lot of HMB in the body reduces muscle damage from intense training, and can be expected to speed up muscle recovery.

Around 20g of Leucine is required to generate 1g of HMB. In other words, only 5% of it is broken down to create HMB. Because of this, it can be said that it is inefficient to ingest HMB through protein powders and daily meals since this requires large amounts of protein.

The amount of protein needed to create 3000mg of HMB will equate to around 2 tonnes of cheese. Therefore, consuming HMB directly from the start becomes a shortcut to strengthening muscles.

The generic name for the amino acids, 「Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine」, which are needed for muscle building. It is an ingredient that is also included in sports drinks and energy drinks, and is an effective ingredient for maintaining muscle condition.

It is the most abundant amino acid in the body, and is also known as the recovery amino acid. When the body is lacking it, muscles disintegration will occur.

As it is the energy source for muscles that supports muscle synthesis and the increases exercise performance, it is an ingredient that is consumed by 80% of all top athletes, including Olympians.

Patent components found only in Metal Muscle HMB
Black ginger extract (Reinforces muscle strength & supports metabolisation of fats)
Black pepper extract (Supports absorption)
Vitamin E

Other ingredients that support increase of muscle increase
Red wine polyphenols
Tongkat Ali

Mechanism of muscle hypertrophy (super recovery)

In the mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy, there is something known as super recovery. The cycle of super recovery is as follows.

Destruction of muscle fibers from muscle training ⇒ Restoration with nutritional supplement ⇒ Muscle builds up from rest (recovery from fatigue)

However, even after muscle training is done, as long as the nutritional supply of amino acids is not provided in time, the muscles may, on the contrary, deteriorate instead due to the lack of amino acids and become catabolic. Catabolism refers to the state when muscles get broken down and deteriorate.

As such, it is important to not only synthesize the muscles but also to suppress decomposition in order to increase the effect of muscle training.

How to Effectively Consume Metal Muscle HMB Supplement

Here, we will show how to effectively consume Metal Muscle HMB Supplement.

Consumption timing

Metal Muscle HMB Supplement is, in the end, a health supplement, and is not medication, therefore it is basically alright to consume it at anytime. However, if you pick the most effective timings to ingest the Metal Muscle HMB Supplement, you will be able to feel the utmost of its effects.

The effective consumption timings for Metal Muscle HMB Supplement are as follows.

Before, during, and after training

Metal Muscle HMB supplements are most effective when taken before, during, or after muscle training and exercise. This is because the body uses up the most energy (amino acids) when the muscles are being used. Therefore, by taking the Metal Muscle HMB Supplement during these timings, your athletic performance improves and you will be able to bring your strength training to the next level.

Also, based on the principles of super recovery, by supplying nutrition when the muscle fibres are destroyed, both muscle recovery and the cycle of super recovery will be accelerated. In other words, muscles will be built quickly.

In terms of time, after taking body temperature, the burden on the digestive system, good quality sleep that is needed for muscle repair, and more into consideration, it is said that 18 hours later is the best for build up.

Incidentally, it’s best to avoid training on an empty stomach or right after a meal (full stomach). Since the body will be in a state of insufficient energy when you’re hungry, your endurance and power will both decrease. Muscle training should be done when you’re at maximum power, so when your stomach is empty, efficiency drops and it could lead to injury

Additionally, if you perform intense muscle training after a meal (full stomach), it lowers your digestive functions and will increase the likelihood of indigestion occurring. Since your energy levels will be full when your stomach is full, even if you do muscle training you will not end up using your fats, and will thus lessen the effects of dieting as well.

In the morning, before going to work

People normally consume energy simply by going through their daily lives, so continuing to consume Metal Muscle HMB Supplement can be effective as well. Therefore, by consuming Metal Muscle HMB Supplement in the morning, at the start of the day, it will still work effectively throughout the day’s activities.

Especially for those whose professions are in the physical labor category, with work related to heavy lifting or are in the construction industry, since the load on your muscles are increased as well, Metal Muscle HMB Supplement will be able to work more effectively.

Incidentally, if you do muscle trainings early in the morning, your metabolism for the day will also rise, so those who are concerned about their body fat should give it a try^^

Before sleep

Metal Muscle HMB Supplement is also effective if you consume it before sleeping. This is because it corresponds with the part in the super recovery cycle of「repairing muscle fibers through nutritional supplementation, and recovery through rest」. However, do not expect any effect unless did activities that stressed your muscles like training.

How to consume effectively

6 to 10 tablets are to be consumed with water as a general guide but it is also effective when consumed with drinks that contain sugar, like fruit juices or sports drinks. This is because consuming it with drinks that contain sugar allows the effective ingredients to be efficiently delivered to the muscles through insulin secretion.


Product Information for Metal Muscle HMB Supplement

Product name

Manufacturing · Sales company · Sales site

1 bag of 180 capsules (Around 30 days’ supply)

Side effects
There have been no report side effects thus far. However, please be careful of excessive intake and food allergies.

Regular price
8,640 yen (excl. tax)

Metal Body Course (Regular course)
Once per person
Only for 300 customers per month
First time at 500 yen (excl. tax) 【94%OFF】
From the second time onwards, 6,480 yen (excl. tax)
30-days guarantee with full refund
Free shipping
Requirement of continuing consumption for at least 4 months

※As the discount information may change without notice, please check the Metal Muscle Supplement official homepage for realtime information ^^

↓Realtime information here↓


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA