GACKT Official LINE update. Read the translation below:

Here’s a report from the secretary.

NicoNico Live full broadcast of「【GACKT graduation ceremony surprise LIVE 2017】 which was held at Mishima City’s Nakazatonishi Junior High School in Shizuoka has been decided!!

NicoNicoLive will deliver the full edition broadcast with the rehearsal part of the graduation ceremony surprise live which was held on March 18th (Sat) at Mishima City’s Nakazatonishi Junior High School in Shizuoka that was broadcasted as 『GACKT secret LIVE~from somewhere in Japan 2017~』 exclusively on NicoNico Live!

March 26 (Sun) 21:00〜
NicoNico Live broadcast 【GACKT graduation ceremony surprise LIVE 2017】 in Mishima City’s Nakazatonishi Junior High School in Shizuoka

The music video of「Tsumi no Keishō ~ORIGINAL SIN~」has been released!!
※Some of the images included are grotesque and shocking


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA