Singer, actor GACKT and TV personality LiLiCo appeared at Space FS Shiodome in Tokyo on the 31st to celebrate the release of the film “Tenet” and discuss Nolan.

Directed by Christopher Nolan, whose previous works include the “Dark Knight” series, “Inception”, “Interstellar” and “Dunkirk”, this is a time suspense film about an escape from the rules of time in order to prevent World War III, and the key word in the story is “TENET”.

Starting off, GACKT described director Nolan as, “He is, first of all, a director of a world of madness and who pushes the envelope. I think he’s truly amazing to be able to settle it down enough to just barely scrape the edge of being entertainment.”

Next, GACKT spoke about the movie itself, saying, “I didn’t understand it at all.”

“I was so frustrated that I had to watch it again, and I’m desperately following it. I’m desperately trying to keep up with it. The concept is so new that thick-headed people won’t be able to accept it. I guess I’m also a thick-headed person… There are parts of the story that I didn’t understand in the middle. But the further into the latter half of the film we went, the more I began to understand it, and when I saw the film a second time on a different day, there were a lot of things that I realised for the first time. It made me realise that such a form of inspiration exists too.”

Continuing, he addressed future audiences of the film and shared what he felt about it. “I was trying my best to try and understand it, and various characters come up during the film, but in the middle, one said, ‘You don’t have to think with your head.’ and I thought that applies to me too. I do wonder how many people can follow the movie from the first time because it’s calculated, but it’s made in a sensible way.”

Speaking about the film’s action scenes, GACKT combined the words retrograde and progressive, and said that it was a strange experience. He said, “When I watched it the first time, the action scenes made me feel nauseous. The second time I watched it, I realised that it was designed from the start to work from both sides.” When asked what if he was offered a part in the film, he said, “I’d throw up if I was ordered to do it. I think I’d hate it a lot.”

The event was attended by 49 online fans who asked a variety of questions. When GACKT was asked if there is anyone in his life who is like his partner to the protagonist in the film, he replied, “We are far apart in age, but I think our chairman is my partner now. We’ve gone through some tough times together so he is my partner. We can talk about everything from the trivial to the serious, and although we’re far apart in age and have a relationship of senior and junior, we’re like brothers.”

And finally, GACKT said, “I’m curious to see how much you can understand on the first watch and get the message in the film. If you have opinions on what is what, please send me a direct message on my Instagram and I think I’ll be able to understand it much better too. Please do message me on Instagram. There are a lot of mysteries, so I hope you’ll be able to solve them for me one by one.”

Tenet is scheduled to screen nationwide on September 18!


Translation: Yoshi GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA