G&LOVERS news update. Translation Below:

GG MAGAZINE Vol.35 delivery notice

For members who joined by 28 February 2017, and those whose memberships are still valid

※For members whose Orico Cards [G&LOVERS Card UPty] are expiring between April~June, or memberships are expiring between April~end of August 2017, the renewal instructions will be enclosed together.

Non-receipt inquiry period: Between April 7th 2017 to April 14th 2017, please use this form to log an inquiry.
※As we will send you a confirmation email, please allow the receipt of emails from [noreply@g-and-lovers.com] in your email.
※Please make sure to inquire during this period.
※Any inquiries outside of this period may not get a response.
※Please understand that we will not be sending individual responses for inquiries about non-delivery.

Source: G&LOVERS

Translation: GACKT Italia Team
Translation © GACKT Italia