As you may have noticed, GACKT Italia has become more international but without loosing its Italian side! From today, you can also find an international section on our forums for all the LOVERS around the world!


  • News ENG: Here you can find all the news in English and you can comment them and share your opinions with all the fans.
  • Translation ENG: All the English translations of everything regarding GACKT from Blomaga to daily videos and interviews!
  • Daily Couch Talk: The place where we share every day a recap of the news, daily photo and video to chat together.
  • Camui Gakuen International: the place where you exchange personal experiences and opinions about GACKT to know all of us better.
  • Let’s chat: Section dedicated to everything not GACKT related, to spend some time together friendly.
  • Fanzone International: the place where you can share all your fan arts, poems and fan fiction with other users.

Well, what are you waiting for?