GACKT Official Facebook update. Transcript below

The first step to getting sexy abs.
Try this out first, ok? 

Original Post @GACKT

Ab mat training
-Beginner’s version-

G: Neatly on the mat
G: As if you’re a balancing toy
G: See whether you can balance with both your legs and your body lifted up

G: Those who can’t do this
G: The training for their legs and abs
G: Are in pieces

G: Firstly, straighten your legs
G: Breathe in deep
G: Then lift your body as you exhale

G: Up to here. No higher

G: Once you’ve done this 10 times, it’s time for the legs
G: Lift and lower

G: Like this. 10 times, then 10 times
G: Aim for 2 sets. Try it!

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team

Transcript © GACKT ITALIA