GACKT Official Instagram update. Transcript below.

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How to build sexy abs
Detailed version – Part 15
[Stretches to do before back workout]

To get the right posture, you have to strengthen your back muscles, or it’ll be useless. There are lots of people with stooped backs in the world, but people who want to correct their postures must work on their back muscles.

So after you’ve completed your ab training, you must end it with working on your back muscles. All your training can only end after you’ve worked on your back. That’s important.

Before working on your back muscles, you have to stretch.

For this, you shouldn’t do it with the image that you’re bending your back or your waist. Instead, you’re stretching your abs.

Your muscles will gradually relax

Detailed version
To be continued in Part 16…

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team

Transcript © GACKT ITALIA