GACKT Official Instagram update. Transcript below.

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How to build sexy abs
Detailed version – Part 13
[Muscle training and flexibility]

You must train both your muscles and flexibility together

There are trainers who say that “If you are flexible, you won’t be able to build muscles” but there is a certain logic to it though.

If you want to build hard muscles, that idea isn’t wrong but that will also turn into the reason that causes your body to break, so it is important to build muscles that are flexible and useable

It might be a bit of a detour, but you should work on both your flexibilty and muscle training together

Between each session of muscle training, you must have a break, so during that break, you should work on flexibility. Doing this will make your training more effective

Detailed version
To be continued in Part 14…

Transcript: GACKT ITALIA Team

Transcript © GACKT ITALIA